Indian Television has managed to beckon yet another Bollywood star Ajay Devgn, who will be seen co-hosting the third season of UTV Bindass's 'Emotional Atyachaar', a youth reality show, along with host Pravesh Rana.
Graciously stepping in after having been a guest last season, Ajay will personally review the stories, interact with the leads and give his views on where the story truly stands.
Confirming the development, Ajay says, "I was a guest in Emotional Atyachaar last season's opening episode. This time around I will be co-hosting two episodes for the season 3. It was important for me to be on a show which I associated with." The third season of 'Emotional Ataychaar 3' goes on air from June 11, every Saturday at 1900 hrs only on UTV Bindass!, Channel sources said.
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